One Stop Physio

Our Pathway


A comprehensive assessment is the first step in any physiotherapy treatment plan. This assessment will help the physiotherapist to identify the cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

The assessment will typically include a biomechanical assessment, a functional assessment, and a psychosocial assessment.

  • Biomechanical assessment: This assessment will look at your posture, alignment, and movement patterns. The physiotherapist will be looking for any areas of dysfunction that may be contributing to your pain.
  • Functional assessment: This assessment will look at how your pain is affecting your daily activities. The physiotherapist will be asking you about your pain levels, your range of motion, and your ability to perform activities such as walking, running, and lifting.
  • Psychosocial assessment: This assessment will look at the emotional and psychological factors that may be contributing to your pain. The physiotherapist will be asking you about your stress levels, your coping mechanisms, and your support system.

Once the physiotherapist has completed the assessment, they will be able to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.


The treatment plan will typically include a combination of active and hands-on treatments.

  • Active treatments: These treatments are designed to help you to improve your strength, range of motion, and flexibility. Active treatments may include exercises, stretches, and manual therapy.
  • Hands-on treatments: These treatments are designed to help to reduce pain and inflammation. Hands-on treatments may include massage, heat therapy, and ice therapy.

The treatment plan will also include education about your pain and how to manage it. The physiotherapist will teach you how to perform your exercises correctly, how to manage your pain, and how to prevent future injuries.


The goal of physiotherapy is to help you to achieve your meaningful goals. These goals may include returning to work, playing sports, or simply being able to enjoy your daily activities without pain.

The physiotherapist will work with you to develop a management plan that will help you to achieve your goals. This plan may include a combination of treatments, education, and lifestyle changes.

With the help of a physiotherapist, you can achieve your goals and live a pain-free life.


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